Moorish Science

History of the Moorish Empire in Europe by S.P. Scott

“History of the Moorish Empire in Europe” by S.P. Scott was published in 1904, in three volumes. To read the full text online, click here.

Fezzes and Turbans on stone heads at ancient site in Bolivia

Tiwanaku, (Spanish: Tiahuanaco) is an important pre-columbian archaeological site in western Bolivia, South America.

The ruins of  Tiwanaku are near Lake Titicaca in the La Paz Department, Ingavi Province, Tiwanaku Municipality, of Bolivia. The faces resemble people of the Moorish nation, that populated North, South and Central America, in pre-columbian times. Many of the stone heads found at the site, are seen wearing fez’s and turbans.

“Golden Age of the Moor” edited by Ivan Van Sertima

“Golden Age of the Moor” edited by Ivan Van Sertima, is Volume 11 in the Journal of African Civilizations, published in 1991. To view the book online for free, click here.

Painting of Prophet Jesus in the Coptic Museum in Cairo, Egypt


“THE SAGA CONTINUES” by KINETIC-EL aka Brother Y. Sirius El & GLORIOUS QUAN of MOORS on the MOVE (M.O.M.) -Produced by Lucky Logan -recorded for MSTofA MEDIA / SIRIUS ILL RECORDS Dec 11th 2011.

Fore more information on Kinetic El’s music and new line of luxury footwear, click here.

Paintings of Moors by Adolf Schreyer

Paintings by Adolf Schreyer (1828-1899)

Hebrew, Moslem and Moorish Melodies by Francis Prince Kidson

published in 1850

Painting of Moors studying a painting

Marcus Garvey wearing mortar board

Marcus Garvey, the forerunner of Prophet Noble Drew Ali, is seen here wearing a square academic cap aka mortarboard aka hawk(name of the wooden board used in masonry to mix mortar), which is a variation of the Fez.

Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America translated into Spanish

Brother O. Rosado-Bey has just completed a spanish translation of the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America. It is written in english on one side and spanish on the other side and will be available for purchase soon.

Sacred Geometry: Hopewell Mound City

Sacred Geometry: Hopewell Mound City from John Sase on Vimeo.

The Hopewell tradition is the term used to describe common aspects of the Native American culture that flourished along rivers in the northeastern and midwestern United States from 200 BCE to 500 CE. Today, the best-surviving features of the Hopewell Tradition era are mounds built for uncertain purposes.

Great geometric earthworks are one of the most impressive Native American monuments throughout American prehistory. Eastern Woodlands mounds have various geometric shapes and rise to impressive heights. The function of the mounds is still under debate. Due to considerable evidence and surveys, plus the good survival condition of the largest mounds, more information can be obtained.

The Holy Koran of The Moorish Science Temple of America Concordance

“The Holy Koran of The Moorish Science Temple of America Concordance by Brother M. Johnson Bey D.M. and Sister E. Johnson Bey. The Concordance will help one to navigate through The Holy Koran of The Moorish Science Temple of America. It is a unique project, and the first of its kind in Moorish American History.

A concordance is an alphabetical list of the principal words used in a book
or body of work, with their immediate contexts. This work will help the
student identify various places in the Holy Koran of the M.S.T.of A. where
the Prophet used certain words. After each word you will find the page and
verse or line, where the word or related words can be found (for example:
feet is found listed under footprint.)” – Brother M. Johnson Bey D.M. and Sister E. Johnson Bey.
To read the book, click here

Astrolabe from Moorish Spain

This is silver-inlaid brass planispheric astrolabe from Spain, probably Toledo, 14th century.
An astrolabe is an elaborate inclinometer, historically used by astronomers, navigators, and astrologers. Its uses include locating and predicting the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars, determining local time given local latitude and vice-versa, surveying, triangulation, and to cast horoscopes. It was used in classical antiquity, through the Islamic Golden Ages for all these purposes. It was also used to calculate the Qibla and to find the times for Salah, prayers.