Posts tagged “egypt

Painting of Prophet Jesus in the Coptic Museum in Cairo, Egypt

Cleopatra’s Needle in Central Park, NYC

This is an obelisk from the Temple of Heliopolis, constructed on the orders of Thutmose III, around 1450 BC,in Egypt.It is currently located in Central Park, in NYC. It was erected in New York on February 22, 1881, after Judge Elbert E. Farman, the then-United States Consul General at Cairo, received it as a gift from the Khedive of Egypt, for the United States.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali taught Moorish-Americans about events that occurred in the Temple Heliopolis, in the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America.

“Come To Egypt” travel poster with Fez

Released in 1937

Dusé Mohamed Ali

Dusé Mohamed Ali, (November 21, 1866 – June 25, 1945), was an actor, historian, journalist, editor, lecturer, traveller, publisher, and Nationalist. He was born in Alexandria, Egypt. Duse was mentor of Marcus Garvey and helped establish an organization in Detroit known as the “Universal Islamic Society.” Its motto was “One God, One Aim, One Destiny.” He was known to be a frequently in the company of Muhammad Pickthall, the English Muslim scholar who translated the Holy Qur’an into English. Duse Ali had considerable influence upon Garvey when they worked together in London, when Duse Ali was the Editor African Times and Orient Review.
He was also a great authority on modern Egypt and wrote “In the Land of the Pharaohs”, a history of modern Egypt, published in London and New York in 1911.