Posts tagged “moros y cristianos

“Moors Against Christians” slideshow

Slideshow from one of the annual Moros y Cristianos celebration in Spain.

Moros Y Cristianos Celebration in Spain

Moros y Cristianos (Moors and Christians) is a celebration which is held in different cities along the Spanish coast. This festival acts out a part of Spanish history demonstrating the battles between the Moors and the Christians, that took place in the region centuries ago.

One of the best places to see this fiesta is Alcoy, in Alicante, where the celebrations take place between the 22nd – 24th of April, since the XVI century, where a battle took place in 1276.

The first day, the festivity begins with a parade of two teams of both Moorish and Christian communities: the members of both groups run across the streets of Alcoy representing a battle in luxury armour and majestic clothes.